Best Before

Best Before is a brand that motivates people towards realizing and realization of their dreams and potential using the factor of time scarcity.


“To everyone who has a dream…

Don’t leave your life unlived. Or live it through the things that didn’t happen. Stop making a wish and saying ‘I wish’. It’s just another way to kill your dream. Yes, life is deceptive as time moves backwards. Tomorrow doesn’t exist. It is just a place to bury your dreams. Bury ‘what if’s’ instead and skip quiet desperation of things undone. It‘s time to decide whether you are human being or human doing. So don’t be a looser with living a life someone wants you to want. Bet on yourself that you can do it because you want it. Today is a big day – so don’t make a wish, but make a dream… come true.

Aspire before you expire.”


Brief. The aim was to push people towards realizing their dreams. MA research on the issue: ‘What is the value of failure’ allowed defining the main failure as a failure of inaction to live life due to own desires. 

Target audience. The brand is targeted at young adults, who suffer from low self-belief and confidence that leads to the increasing fear of failure as a paralyzer. At the same time, they are thinkers and reflectors on their own lives having the high ambition to live it to the fullest and discover themselves. 

Solution. Best Before is a brand that motivates people towards realizing and realization of their dreams and potential using the factor of time scarcity. The brand suggests a list of items that serve as a metaphor for a dream to a user. Each item destructs within a 7-day period giving time to make the first steps towards the aspiration the user postponed for a while. The trash bag serves as an additional reminder. 

Logotype option is simple, expressing semiotics of the time passing from 1 to 0 and expiring. The business card printed on the balloon looks intriguing without the air, when the air is in - it creates a bit of tension and risk of breaking it. Also, it gives up to one minute time to read a message before the balloon will go out of air. Set of posters where screen printed with gold on the transparent surface to reflect the dreams being free but always the object of longing, and the ability to see deep enough for our real desires. 

Brand Book

Effect & Affect. The brand attracted the attention of thousands of people and a few design stores. It was also developed as the start-up for the creative gift shop. A representative website was launched with the future possibility of creating personalized motivational labels online.


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