#BlueBox project

Website, idea, social media templates and stickers for Humanitarian Initiatives charity Foundation.


Problem. HI Fund (Charity Foundation ‘Humanitarian Initiatives’) was helping Ukrainian civilians who suffered from war for 1 month already. They were looking to develop channels of communication, establish a stronger online presence for the partners and contributors and launch an understandable and measurable humanitarian initiative, which would be easier to communicate and more efficient.

Solution. #Bluebox Aid for Ukraine package was created as a standardized set of food, clothes, toys, and humanitarian items for adults and kids aimed at helping families with children, who were relocated due to war, lost their belonging, or had massive damage caused to their homes during the Russian occupation. A wide set of design elements, layouts, and templates were developed to create a more up-to-date brand’s look and feel.

Packaging Design for #BlueBox project

Creative Direction for the Photoshoot

Website & Social Media Templates

Fundraising Presentation

Deliverables. Together with 2 other volunteers, we reactivated our social media presence, I created the templates for the posts and stories, developed visual elements such as Instagram stickers, icons for the website and reports, templates for the brand presentation, etc.; organized distantly professional photo and video shoot to fetch content for the website and social. These assets were used for advertising. I also created a storyboard for the brand video, logotype, landing page, and packaging for the #Bluebox Project.


Backes & Strauss


Grains of Truth